Humble Beginnings

7 October 2013

Pretty Little Notions, August 2013
Once upon a time - almost two years ago in fact - I started a blog called "Pretty Little Notions". At the time, it was designed purely to share my fangirl thoughts on everything I loved about entertainment media - ranging from books, television and film. I wanted a space to share my thoughts with the world, and if the internet responded - well that would be incredible. I never quite imagined myself falling even more in love with the blogsphere. It wasn't long after that I discovered I wanted more, so I found myself writing creatively and experimenting with graphics - something I hadn't done in a very long time. 

But my thirst for a challenge didn't stop there. And so here we are ... at my new blogging adventure, "Creative In The Arts". You may be wondering why the name change. The truth is ... it's time for a change. I was eighteen and fresh out of high school when I created "Pretty Little Notions", and since then I've grown as an individual and matured as a writer. I've always loved creativity, and appreciated the art of storytelling and visual aesthetics. It only seemed fitting to acknowledge that in this next step forward. You can definitely expect me to keep up reviewing in the near future, as well as some more creatively fuelled posts and shenanigans. So let the journey begin! I'll be seeing ya ....

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