The Survival Guide to Book Signings For Newbies

19 January 2015

I remember when I booked my place to see Cassandra Clare - the creator of The Mortal Instruments series - at Waterstones almost four year ago. I was absolutely excited, and yet terribly nervous. I had never been to a book signing before in my life, so I had no idea what to expect or even what to do. Looking back now - after attending roughly five book signings- I really don't know why I was nervous to begin with! So for all of you newcomers, here are some pointers of advice to help you get started!

1. Buy the book beforehand
Novels are often more expensive at the signings. Buying them beforehand can not only save you money, but also give you ahead start on queueing. That being said - I've been so guilty of spending at signings. Waterstones has an enticing offer of 2 for 1, which I have fallen victim to way too many times!

It's okay to go alone 
I can't tell you how many people I've met and spoken to at book signings while being on my own. The people that attend these events can be literally from all walks of life. It's wonderful meeting other fans with similar interest of you, and maybe even similar book tastes. Smile and strike up a friendly conversation with someone who seems friendly and approachable. I've only ever been to one book signing with a friend, and I tell you every single time I have gone, I've enjoyed myself - despite going on my own.

Get there early
Everybody knows all the best seats in the house are at the front! It's the best view in the place, perfect place to take pictures and you'll be able to hear said author without much interruption! Getting there early will help you get those seats - especially if you have to queue up for the event.

4. Bring questions to ask the author
Most book signings will have a Q&A session, where you have the chance to ask the author whatever you want. This is your golden opportunity to ask them about their book or even their life! It can be quiet daunting asking in front of a crowd, but remember you don't have anything to be nervous about. The author is happy you've come all this way to see them. You appreciate their work, and they appreciate all of your support.

If you want, you could even wait to ask your question when you're getting your book signed. It's always a lovely having a one to one chat with authors!

5. Selfie's are sometimes the best picture you can get ...
Unless you have a buddy with you who is pretty good at taking pictures, selfie's can be the best pictures with your favourite author. This one really depends on the situation. I can say there have been times I've opted out of selfie-ing and regretted it later.

And the most important rule of all ... just have fun! These events are are brilliantly way of spending time with an author whose written something you've really enjoyed reading. So soak up their discussions, and take pictures to remember the night. I hope you have a wonderful time there!

Looking forward to any book signings this year? Got any words of wisdom? Let me know in the comments below! ^_^

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